校园周报 / Weekly News 第二十周 20th Week
发布时间:2022-07-06 14:23:29   发布人:陆倪丹   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:256

    1. 高中部结业典礼 Closing Ceremony


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  On Monday of 20th week, teachers and students of high school participated in the most distinctive online ceremony - the closing ceremony. During the ceremony, the teachers rewarded and encouraged the students who performed well in online classes in this semester; In each grade (9 to 11), a few outstanding students won the Annual Academic Scholarship;  also, during online teaching, many students participated in school improvement and voluntary activities. CAS coordinator recorded these contributions all and praised students’ dedication and responsibilities. Despite the twists and turns in the process, this special online closing ceremony was completed successfully.

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    2. 开普勒、八大行星与数学 Math, Planets and Kepler



  This semester, the interdisciplinary project of Grade 10 has attracted the attention of various subject groups. The Math Group also participated in the space project. Mathematics teachers guided students to find eight planets in the universe and study Kepler's third law. The third law of Kepler is proved by collecting and analyzing data and calculating data. In this project, the students used the statistical knowledge learned in this semester to complete the project, improve their basic abilities, and began to adapt to the learning requirements and learning methods of Grade 11.


    3. 运动助力学习 Exercises Benefit Study


  As the saying goes, study should combine work and rest. At this period, the G9 students are making full preparations for the Zhongkao. As time approaches, the pressure of students becomes more and more obvious. Therefore, moderate exercise can help students relieve pressure and express their emotions. While paying attention to the students' performances, teachers also actively participate in their activities and pay attention to the students' physical and mental health development.



4. 家长会 Parents Meeting



    On July 1, high school officially held the last parents' meeting of all Grades of this academic year. Vice principal Ms. Maggie Wang and Assistant Principal Mr. Nikolaos Bitos analyzed the examination requirements of IB and A-level for parents under special circumstances in this academic year, and made prospects for students' learning in the next academic year. The University Counsellors helped students plan summer study and programs in order for better preparation for university applications. In the next Homeroom Parent meeting session, homeroom teachers explained the summer assignments and Covid Epidemic Prevention requirements in details and provided guidance for students’ CAS activities to parents during summer vacation. Parents were invited to share their thoughts about the principles and practices of home-school cooperation at this meeting.  


5. 学院院长会议 Heads of Houses Meeting

        四位学院院长与校长在学院院长会议上共同探讨了本学期学生们的表现与学院的发展近况。院长们对本学期的学生活动与发展进行了反思与总结,并对下学期起的学院建设提出了各类观点与看法。R House和E House的两位院长即将卸任,这也是也两位院长最后一次的院长会议,感谢他们为学院建设做出的贡献以及提出的宝贵建议!

        At the Heads of Houses Meeting, the four Heads of Hoses and Principal discussed the performance of students this semester and the recent development of the Houses. The HHs reflected and summarized the student activities and development of this semester, and put forward various suggestions on the development of the Houses from next semester. The Heads of R house and E house are about to step down. This is also the last HH Meeting of the two Heads. Many thanks to them for their contributions to the House System and the high school!


6. 安徒生国际艺术奖&中学生投资挑战赛 H.C. Andersen Art Award & SIC Awards



        Yalena Ding of G10C won the bronze medal in the H.C. Andersen Art Award for her painting "Girl in the water". In the Student Investment Challenge, three students of our school won many awards such as Gold, Silver and Bronze under the guidance of teachers and G11 student Tina Qiu. Let's congratulate the award-winning students, and thank the instructors and Tina Qiu for their generous support.


7. 家长分享 Parents Sharing


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8. iGEM新战队集结 The New Team for iGEM

        高中部iGEM新战队 Rapa-OT战队集结完成正式开始新的课题项目研究此次课题同学们拟通过基因工程的手段构建一种工程菌该工程菌能较好的提升雷帕霉素生产水平从而位临床治疗带来更大的价值位器官移植的患者带来福音这是一项有意义的研究期待同学们的进一步的研究进展及研究成果

        The new iGEM team Rapa-OT high school has assembled and officially started the research of new projects. In this project, students plan to construct an engineering bacterium by means of genetic engineering, which can better improve the production level of rapamycin, thus bringing greater value to clinical treatment and good news to patients with organ transplantation. This is a meaningful research, and I look forward to the further research progress and research results of the students.
