• Why Choose SABS(Former name:ECNUAS)

Respect   differences   and   offer   choices


Traditional Chinese culture, "Music, P.E. Art" into the main curriculum, stratified teaching


"one student one course schedule", teachers: students= 1:5.3


All-round development, inclusive education, to be the best of yourself


30+clubs, 4 student houses


Qualified to recruit directly from abroad, current 60 expats all hold Foreign Expert Certificates


IBDP World School, IBPYP School, top 10 most beautiful KG globally


2 student apartments with a capacity of 500 boarders

捷报传来! 华旭战队(优化器官移植抗排异药雷帕霉素探索)喜获iGEM(International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition) 全球银奖!2022年10月28日,iGEM国际遗传工程机器大赛(International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition)全球决赛落下帷幕,华旭双语学校校队(ECNUAS)6位同学(王国元,汪昊,邱添奕,崔瀚文,杨程栋,徐晨媛)继承过往高光表现,再次勇夺全球银奖。课题介绍:通过基因工程手段提升雷帕霉素产量,为器官移植患者带来福音器官移植给病人第二次生命的同时,也常常会带来免疫排斥的难题。作为一种新型大环内酯类抗生素,雷帕霉素目前在临床上广泛地被用来治疗免疫排斥症状。临床数据表明,该药物能极大提高器官移植术后的存活率。但该药的生产效率较低,价格昂贵。为了解决这一问题,2022华旭双语学校校队通过基因工程方法,敲除雷帕霉素链霉菌中关键基因,提升雷帕霉素生产效率,为器官移植的患者带来福音。Efficiency Enhancement of Rapamycin Fermentation by Knocking out the M271_14685/M271_14690 Gene in Streptomyces RapamycinicusOrgan transplantation faces the problem of immune rejection while giving patients a second life. As a novel macrolide antibiotic, Rapamycin is widely used as a clinical drug for treating immune rejection. It significantly improves the survival rate of transplanted organs after surgery. However, the low productivity of this medicine causes its rocketing price. Our project intends to construct an engineered strain using genetic engineering, mainly by knocking out the two-component system encoding gene M271_14685/M271_14690 in Streptomyces rapamycinicus, optimizing the metabolic regulatory network of rapamycin biosynthesis, and improving the fermentation yield of the Rapamycin. This project will lower the price of Rapamycin and bring significant value to patients with organ transplantation. Key Words: Organ transplantation, Rapamycin, Genetic Engineering. 在本次项目中,华旭双语校队的6位同学在校科学组负责人沈波老师及思楷学术科创导师指导下,于华旭-思楷联合科创中心内,完成了从课题设计到实验操作,实验结果分析,项目宣传及战队Wiki搭建等一系列工作。 在实验环节中,同学们熟练运用了移液器,超净台,PCR仪,电泳仪,离心机,灭菌锅,水浴锅等仪器完成了PCR扩增(PCR Amplification),DNA提取 (DNA Gel Extraction Kit),质粒提取(Plasmid Extraction),同源重组(Homogeneous Reorganization),质粒验证(Identification of recombination plasmid by double-digestion),质粒转化(Transfer recombinant plasmid into Streptomyces rapamycinicus.),以及雷帕霉素产量测定(Rapamycin production estimation)。经过全体同学的不懈努力,最终成功地获得了一株高产的雷帕霉素链球菌,为未来提升雷帕霉素产量奠定了坚实基础。 iGEM国际遗传工程机器大赛作为全球最高水平的跨学科赛事,融合生命科学,化学,社会学,商学,数学,计算机等众多学科,旨在培养学生运用前沿科学技术分析现实问题,解决现实问题的思维与方法。自2003 麻省理工学院(MIT)发起该项赛事以来,迄今为止,每年吸引大约350支队伍,逾7000人参赛。其中不乏全球顶尖高等院校及优质高中,比如麻省理工学院(MIT),康奈尔大学(Cornell University), 帝国理工学院(Imperial College,London),复旦大学(Fudan University),上海中学国际部(Shanghai High School, International Division), 广东省实验中学(Guangdong Experimental High School), 深圳中学(Shenzhen Middle School), 上海平和学校(Shanghai Pinghe Bilingual School)等。以下为部分优质高中2022年iGEM国际遗传工程机器大赛战绩。此外,陈佳佳同学参与Shanghai_city团队, 徐裴宏同学参与Shanghai_United团队,均获得全球银奖。以下为这两支团队课题介绍:Shanghai_city 鱼缸清道夫目前,抗生素对微生物感染有抑制效果,但滥用抗生素会导致细菌耐药性问题,从而对全球健康构成巨大威胁。 抗菌肽(AMPs)是一类能够抑制细菌活性而不引起细菌耐药性的碱性多肽。我们团队在大肠杆菌中表达天然的抗菌肽,抑制了鱼缸内的细菌滋生,为家养观赏鱼提供水质改良方案。Currently, antibiotics are popular choices due to their effectiveness against microorganism infection, while their abuse leads to bacterial resistance issues thus posing a huge threat to global health. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are alkaline polypeptides that can inhibit bacterial activity without causing bacterial resistance. Our team expressed and purified natural antimicrobial peptides in E. coli through genetic engineering to inhibit bacterial breeding in fish tanks and provide water qualityimprovement solutions for domestic ornamental fish.Shanghai_United 混合饲料添加剂畜牧饲料主要包括青贮饲料与谷物饲料, 青贮饲料中含有大量的木质纤维素,难以消化吸收,而谷物饲料中由大量半纤维素木聚糖组成,不易被动物吸收。我们团队采用多酶协同降解的策略,构建能够同时水解木质纤维素和半纤维素木聚糖的工程菌,提高混合饲料的经济价值。Pasture feed mainly includes silage and grain feed. Silage contains a large amount of lignocellulose, which is difficult to digest and absorb, while grain feed is composed of a large amount of hemicellulose xylan, which is not easily absorbed by animals. Our team adopts the multi-enzyme synergistic degradation strategy to construct engineered bacteria that can hydrolyze lignocellulose and hemicellulose xylan simultaneously. It improves the economic value of mixed feed.春去秋来,2022年已是华旭双语学校校队第三年征战2022年iGEM国际遗传工程机器大赛,三年以来,华旭学子们在iGEM跨学科,超学科的项目框架下,在学校全人教育理念的熏陶下,科创组负责人沈波老师指导下,以及思楷学术科创导师配合下,充分利用华旭-思楷联合科创中心各方资源,广泛地在生物医药,环境保护等领域展开研究。同学们的辛勤努力与付出不仅为学校,为自己赢得了国际性奖项,更重要的是提升了自身的科学素养,培养了跨学科解决问题的能力,整合了团队凝聚力。望各位同学在未来学术道路上继续努力,在更大的国际舞台上展示华旭学子的风采! [more]
坚韧就是再试一次编者按:国际部的学生们是华双玫瑰园中最独特的风景线,这片教育乐土见证了他们的每一次努力,每一个进步。Storytelling of ECNUAS Learner Profile系列记录了各位同学的心路历程,讲述了他们在学习和生活中的感悟以及成长。今天,让我们走近--G11赵自翔同学的世界。在我的理解中,“坚韧”是一种态度,支撑我们走过坎坷,反思探索,不断精进,最终突破自我的征途。作为一个真正的IB学习者,在个人发展的过程中遇到各种各样的问题并不出奇,重要的是明确目标,不屈不挠,勇往直前,融会贯通。In my understanding, resilient is an attitude of picking yourself up after failure. As students, we often face issues in life when studying new topics and working on personal development projects, in this process, it’s necessary for us to be goal-directed and resilient individuals as stated in the IB learner profile.图片说明:华师双语学生培养目标的“十二大学习者素养”。Resilient是四月份的教育主题。 坚韧不拔 Resilient:面对逆境、创伤、悲剧、威胁或重要的压力来源,如学习、健康或人际关系问题,我们能很好地适应。我们不仅会度过挑战和困难,而且会变成更加自信和勇敢的自己。支教照片在我7年的跆拳道训练中,我了解到,不论前方有任何难以想象的阻碍,获得韧性的关键都是寻找前进的动机。这种动机源自自我实现的信念,但在培养这份动机的过程中更重要的是尝试自我实现的勇气。“为了赢,你可能需要不止一次的战斗。”——玛格丽特·撒切尔During my 7 years of Taekwondo - one of the martial arts’ training, I learned that the key to becoming resilient is to gain the motivation to move forward despite anything blocking the way. This motivation revealed through having the confidence to be ourselves and sometimes by having the courage to transform ourselves into the persons we know we could be.You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.”—― Margaret Thatcher在我看来,学习武术是学习韧性的最有效、最直接方式之一。因为在学习的过程中,你会不断被击倒,然后重新站起来,一次又一次。我从六岁开始练习跆拳道,当年是全班最矮最瘦的学徒。在打学徒对练时,这种天生的身材差距是不可逆转的,因此我唯有--专注于技巧。但问题在于,想要技高一筹,除了冒着被踢脸的风险尝试生涩的跆拳道招数之外,别无捷径。于是,我在刚开始学习的几年中习惯了挨打,但同时将一堆招式收进了我的“技能表”里,打下了坚实的基础。在无数次的练习后,我开始崭露头角,甚至在一次对练中与高出我五个段位的红蓝带选手打成了平手。这项荣誉使我变得更加自信,而我后来的经历再次证明:自信的品质对于成长至关重要。Learning martial art is a direct way to learn resilience, because people experience the process of getting knocked down on the ground, and picking himself up in the physical way. I started practicing Taekwondo in Shanghai back when I was six, and I was one of the shortest and thinnest among all of the apprentices. While comparing the notes, the size advantage is irreversible, which left me with only one way to grow- focusing on techniques. However, in a real fight, there s no other way to test if a technique can be practically performed by me other than trying it out with the risk of getting kicked in my face. After getting used to being beaten in the first few years, I gained much courage and collected a bunch of moves in my “skill table”. I began cutting a conspicuous figure in that point of time by coming out even in a match with a fatty wearing red-blue belt who is five belt levels higher than me, honor and approvals tightened my confidence, which was proved to be important later.五年级后,我搬到了马来西亚吉隆坡,并转进了当地的国际学校。由于美式教育重武轻文的文化背景之差,每个学生的精力简直顶得上我以前的中国同学的三倍。我的新跆拳道师傅是全球跆拳道委员会的成员,对学生要求非常严格。他以我实力不济的理由单方面“吊销”了我的绿带,因此,在整个六年级期间,我半数跆拳道课的场地都从健身房变成了体育馆外的空地,上课时只得一面望着健身房里吹空调的其他学徒,一面孤零零地重新学习所有的基础招式。老实说,我的无力令自己失望了。逃跆拳道课成了家常便饭,换个课后活动的想法也变得频繁起来。简而言之,我逃避了自己对跆拳道的热情。在我的日记中,我写道“这不是你的错,你明明知道这样的比较是不公平的。”当我我几乎放弃的时候,我的脑海中闪过了我所做的努力,那些我为跆拳道痴迷的瞬间,一步步走来所挥洒的汗水和努力——每一次的摔倒都历历在目,“不放弃”的精神陪伴着我走到今天,让我成为更好的自己。对于未来我还想有更大的抱负。就在那一刻!我重拾了我的自信和桀骜。After fifth grade, I moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The view was different in an American school, where every kid seemed to have tripled energy compare to Chinese. My new Taekwondo master was a member of the Global Taekwondo Committee, who was strict with students. He abolished my level of green belt, as if my strength and techniques was no matched to other green belt students. Therefore during the entire sixth grade, half of my Taekwondo course was located in an open space outside the gym separated with everyone else because I had to catch up with all the basics.To be honest, I was disappointed to myself. I quitted courses without asking, considered to switch to another after school activity, pretended to not be as enthusiastic as before. In my diary, I wrote “it’s not your fault, you know that it’s not fair to compare yourself to those people who learned from this master from the beginning.” I almost gave up, but that’s when I look back at all the efforts I made, all the steps I took to become tougher. The only faith I held was that my efforts and steps were real, they shaped me to be who I am, they brought me to where I am at, and they will continue to lift me up in the future. From here, I rebuilt my pride and confidence.好像和自己在打赌那样,我在培训中付出了成倍的努力。功夫不负有心人,4个月后,我从跆拳道师傅的大手中接过了我从零出发后连升了四个段位的绿腰带,自此开始了我火箭般迅速的升级之旅,成为了班里公认的模范生。当每次师父要鼓励别人时,不管对方带色高低,他都拿我举例——他会说:“你看看Abe,他刚来这里训练时简直弱得不忍直视,但你再看现在的他,所有人都见证了他的进步。”It was like in a fit of pique with myself. I doubled the effort payed in the training, and grew wildly. After 4 months, I took my new green belt from the big hands of my new Taekwondo master, symbolizing the starting point of my rocket speed level-up journey. In only another year, I stepped four belt levels up, and became the universally acknowledged model student in the class. Every time master wanted to encourage others- no matter if they have higher or lower belt levels, he took me as the example- he would say : “ Look at Abe, he was terrible in the beginning, and look at him now, any eye can see how far he went.”如果说成为跆拳道黑带算是一种成就,那么成功的唯一秘诀就是“跌倒100次后,第101次起身”。我知道过程有多艰辛,多不适,但天道酬勤,“坚韧”能我立于不败之地。如果把人生比作一局通关游戏,只要你不止步,你就有机会走到下一关口。我一直都会提醒自己:当年连拳头都没能阻止我学习跆拳道,但“挫败感”差点让我放弃了。所以,当我再次面对挫折的时候,我对自己说:任何失败都只是你更伟大的成功的另一块基石。你可以的!If being a Taekwondo black belt martial artist counts as an achievement in any way, the only secret to success is to stand up again. You know how it’s not as simple as how it’s pleasant to hear, yet the reward is real, it is able make your invincible. Life is a game in long-run, if you don’t struggle on a little failure, then even if you might not always win, you will never lose, because any failure will just be another cornerstone of you success. The key is, you would never lost unless you give up yourself, take my case, even the punches didn’t stop me from learning Taekwondo, but frustration almost did. [more]
G11的邱楚婷同学和丁之悦同学领衔的团队在NEC(美国高中生经济学竞赛)获得铜牌,并获得思辨思维顶尖团队称号,G11的赵自翔同学在NEC(美国高中生经济学竞赛)获得资格考试个人优异奖。NEC是美国高中生经济学竞赛,由美国经济教育学会(CouncilforEconomicEducation)举办。祝贺同学们!Good news!The team led by Tina Qiu Chuting won the Bronze award in NEC (Economics Competition for High School Students) and they also got the title of critical thinking top team in problem solving. [more]
传来喜讯!又一枚伦敦大学学院(UCL)录取通知书花落华师双语。截至本周五,本届毕业生总计获得144枚录取通知。Good news from High School! Another UCL offer received by our student. As of Friday, a total of 144 offers had been received. [more]
IBDP的吴立早同学参加了美国数学竞赛(AMC),得到了来自官方的喜讯与邀请,荣获全球Top5%,并晋级美国数学邀请赛(AIME)。让我们恭喜吴立早同学,也期待他在美国数学邀请赛的表现。 AlexWu from IBDP participated in the American Mathematics Competition and received good news and invitation from the official. He won the top 5% in the world and was promoted to the American Invitational Mathematics Examination.Congratulations to Alex andexpecthis excellentperformance in the AIME. [more]
IBDP的李竞洋同学参加了英国物理奥林匹克竞赛,3月初收到了官方的喜讯,荣获银奖,恭喜李竞洋同学。 Jairo Li from IBDP participated in the BOhO OnlineSenior Physics Challenge and finally stood out, won the Silver Award.Congratulations to Jairo! [more]
2022年新学期伊始,华师双语中学部姚津、邓嘉琪、赵永新、ZHANGHAICHAO、庄文馨、Stephen Hou、仇梦雪在商业全能挑战中国初选站(BPA)中获得主观团队区域银奖和铜奖,祝贺同学们。Good news! 7 students from G10-G11 High School won silver and bronze award in Business Professional of America Competition! Congratulations! [more]
我校高中部邓嘉琪同学在2022全美经济学挑战杯National Economics Challenge (NEC)区域战中获得国际经济与时事地区个人奖。NEC是美国高中生经济学竞赛,由美国经济教育学会(Council for Economic Education)举办。祝贺同学们以及指导教师张祎。Deng Jiaqi from high School won the regional Individual Prize in International Economics and current affairs in the 2022 National Economics Challenge (NEC). Congratulations to the students and our instructor Ms. Ivy Zhang. [more]