发布时间:2018-06-04 14:17:15   发布人:华东师范大学附属双语学校   信息来源:卢燕、罗芬、黄菲儿    点击次数:2,102

行走的课堂 Outdoor classroom


Reading ten thousand books while traveling ten thousand miles, meaning of life will come into being naturally. At the beginning of May, teachers and students from Grade Three went to East China Normal University (ECNU) for a trip and enjoyed a special outdoor learning experience. 


Outdoor classroom means a series of out-of-school activities covering a wide range of contents. It aims to help students widen their view and acquire new knowledge. 


East China Normal University is renowned as a research- oriented university with a long history and global fame. With this trip, students got to know about the history of ECNU and bathe in its tradition and ideals as a modern university.  



In the afternoon, students went to the library to listen to a lecture on the magic of Chinese characters. Students found out the origin of Chinese characters with the lecturer’s instruction and the interesting interactive games. In the end, students made paper cut, one of the most ancient folk art in China. 


First students drew a rough outline of the Chinese character “Chun” (Spring) on the paper. Then they used scissors to cut the “Chun” out of the paper. 

In ancient China, paper cut was a necessary skill for every girl. Students happily discovered the beauty of life could be easily achieved with just a pair of scissors and a piece of paper.


This trip to ECNU enables students to observe and experience life outside the classroom.